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HCI has been awarded a Prime contract supporting the NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Jacksonville Advance Traceability and Control Program (ATAC) Warehouse Support Services Contract.
HCI will provide Advanced Traceability and Control (ATAC) warehouse support services, commonly referred to as "ATAC" is the Navy's first logistics pipeline to truly couple logistics and transportation into a single physical distribution system. Essentially a hub and spoke operation in which Depot Level Repairable (DLR’s) are collected and consolidated at satellite locations, known as nodes, where fleet activities are concentrated. The consolidated DLR's are transported to one of two hubs where the individual DLR's are forwarded to be repaired or stowed to the appropriate Depot Overhaul Point/Depot Storage Point (DOP/DSP). FLC Jacksonville is a satellite node.
Place of performance will be at Mayport and Jacksonville, Florida with a Period of performance of a base year and 1 Option Year.